Thursday, June 25, 2009

Stumbling Uponings

One thing about big city is that sometimes you will accidentally walk by something you have seen or heard about on the internet! The good side of that is that sometimes you walk by this!

Goodness gracious and I just got to walk in and look around at all these treats for free! Lucky me, it was the last day of the exhibition.

The name to know is Michael Velliquette, the game to play is cut and glue. It's all made straight out of Commericially Colored Cardstock.

Seen left and right are his TOWERS in whole. Above back up there is a detail.

There is more of this here here here here here here here here!

I'm a sucker for obsessively detailed work, of course - check his web hole to see what I mean.


urban tinkerbell said...

awaa awesome! i totally saw that on the internet but californiaa haha . its rad! how cool !

Lauren said...

whoa, this is so amazing! i absolutely love the colors. A+