Sunday, September 14, 2008

Longer Island

Hello friends!
This blog does not seem to really exist,

Here are some updates!:;,

I am in New York! I am in East Hampton, actually, with the beaches and bunnies, and deer! I am an intern/apprentice here.
I paint a lot and it is very satisfying.
I just lived in LA for two months, didn't I tell you?? Jeez sorry, this blog maybe doesn't exist.

Most importantly, I got glasses!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Man, I just have no fucking clue !!

Monday, June 2, 2008

oh hai !

I'm at a cafe! This is the first time I've ever gone public with my internet addiction (which has been really hard on my shoulders since I've been unemployed) because the air conditioning here is so much better than it is in the house, and it's nearing 100 degrees outside. The average temperature for the month of May is 85, but it was near 100 every day! The average temperature for the month of June is 92, so that means it'll be near 107 every day? Hard boiled, man.

So I just heard that Bo Diddley died a couple hours ago , which is sad but okay 'cause he was pretty old anyway and I bet it's really boring to just be old after having been Bo Diddley for so long, BUT it's weird too, because a couple hours ago I was getting out of the shower and thought that I heard a ghost humming to me, but really I'd just forgotten that I'd left my Pod on shuffle and it was just Bo Diddleying to me softly from the other room. SO NOW I know it WAS a ghost!!!

Monday, May 26, 2008

I know it

"I'm strong men, but I cry again. I cry always, when I listen this song! Really beautifull song!"
-pavlik1990 (5 hours ago)

I know there are better songs from the 90s to be looking up on youtube, but there aren't better songs from the 90s to look up on youtube that I used to sing any time I was lucky enough to be alone in a public bathroom in Jr.high.
Well, there aren't many, anyway.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Miriam says goodbye

Miriam says goodbye
Originally uploaded by Maynoush
Today is my last day of work, instead of classes today we're having a sort of field day for the little peeps, which means I'm going to get paid for sack racing, face painting, and spin arting !! YEAAAH!

I liked my job, I could do it again, even. MAYBE I WILL! I'm going to miss my 80 urban babes, they taught me so much. Like what it means to "make a grizzly bear."

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Country Mouse

Aiiiie am I terrible at keeping this blog!! Today is 4/20, happy holidaze to all! Sit down to be small, stand up to be tall!!!

I am keeping myself indoors today with hopes that I will get so bored I will clean the house, but so far all I've done is make fried rice, and chow it down in front of other peoples blogs.

Austin has been a holiday, constantly, except for the rare hours that I'm actually working.
I've been spending a good deal of time on my front porch with my best man, drinking & smoking and watching thunder storms and the weeds in our yard spring up. Spring!! Spring looks great on this city. Yesterday we went for a dip in one of the rivers, sun bathed in the shallows on top of a baby waterfall, hot top, cold bottomzzz, what holiday!! The skyline from my porch has turned a fantastic neonish green, the birds are singing like troplicalia, and on friday I saw my very first fire fly. What a south we've got, here!

Last night was slow so after some porch waiting, we got up and wandered towards some noises we heard. We ended up getting pulled into a neighbors house to witness in a good ol' country jam. Ha! So surreal! So funny!!

"What's all this we shit? You got a rat in your pocket?"

Sunday, March 23, 2008

SXSW was crazy, proper, I'm not sure where to begin really. It was a huge festival, and really felt like a huge festival, duhhhh. I saw some good things and had blastssssss..

OKAY so last sunday, Dan and I went to Psychedelic Sunday at the Cathedral of Junk! The Cathedral of Junk is this amazing collection of crap in someones back yard which has been tangled and welded together into this three story elaborate club house type thing.

Also in the yard, on this Sunday, was a large group of people and an even larger group of electronics making a psychedelic soundtrack for my trek through the tresses.

I am really happy with all of the pictures I got of the place, so you can now see them all on my flickr!

I even posted some videos!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

wild life

Today will be my last day of work before spring break starts!!
In Austin, instead of waiting for easter to have spring break (to suggest that the holiday is really about the children), all schools call T.O. and let their employees out for the week of South by Southwest!!!!
I'm pretty stoked on this, as all I've been able to get out of the locals about what sxsw will be like is that it is absolutely crazy and that I'm probably going to be drunk for a week straight.

This picture is of some wildlife I interacted with in the city.

This is so in the city! Like, so totally smack dab in it that those concrete tree trunks in the background are holding up the two sides of the main freeway that runs through the place. Yo yo ma!

Here is my house:

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Hello blog! I am writing you from Reilly elementary school! My new place of employment! I am an after school art teacher!
TODAY I am assisting in the computer class, where the pizzanators (4th graders) are making blogs.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Hi Blog!!!

Hello blog! I am so happy to have made you, for I am living in a distant land and have so much to say of it!!

Let me clarify, I am living in Austin, Texas, and although you might not consider it quite so far as 'distant,' I assure you that positively most places would, and I am one of those places. I am living in a crooked old teal two bedroom, one easy walking mile from downtown (and a long wide L shaped strip of night spots). It is a big pretty city, with trees and a lake river. Here is a google image of it:

Austin is successfully still weird. Many a subcounterculture and many more a subcountercultural attend. I spent my first three nights here couch surfing with some experimental music college kids who took me to parties every night, where I obnoxiously introduced myself to all interesting looking people there. I exchanged numbers with the ones of those who were actually friendly and after a few nights of this (and a dozen days of actually finding a place to live and cheap/free furnishings) I called up my favorite friend finds and had a still surprisingly successful house warming party. This made the house happy! This made me feel gooood!

Blah blah blog, what else?! Oh! Austin is delicious and cheap too! OH! I had a job for a couple days making floral arrangements for Texas Blooms, but they called me this morning to tell me that they are too busy with the vday rush to train me as a designer currently and they need someone more experienced so never mind coming in. They said I could work their paper work/register, but I'm too rich to want a boring job, so I told them it seems I have been un-hired and well I would think about it but most likely no thank you. BORING

I've been trying more seriously to find work teaching art, and have something lined up for spring with Young Rembrants to teach after school art classes for grammar schools. I'm excited on that, but want to find something similar to do now now now!!!

Oh also, the second bedroom in the house is set up as an art/music studio, and I've been keeping a little busy playing painter. Dan and I are painting the house. Psych! We are actually painting portraits of the house from across the street, to frame and put up inside the house. TRIP! Oh the house is such a trip already, let me see if I have pictures....

That was the first night here, before furniture, duh, looking humorously low rent.

Before dishes, charmingly low rent.

This is the landlords kitten, who comes to visit us when he needs love/smells our dinner. The landlord is a 30 something jam bander who lives in a trailer in the backyard and smokes a ton of pot. He's a plus.

I guess I don't have any pictures of the house since we've actually moved in, maybe I'll take some today, since I don't have work any more... oops!

Kittens in XTC,