Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Power Trippin'

After a long pathetic winter of unemployment and sinus infections, I am at last sort of having a life again! I found some jobs, and have even been leaving my house occasionally for recreation!

I am a teaching artist for the Children's Museum of the Arts in Manhattan. I'm planning, managing, and then working at the Museums summer programing on a little Eden just a 5 minute ferry ride away from the city grime called Governor's Island . I'M GOING TO HAVE INTERNS! That's the best part, of course. I love power so much!

Surprise I have TWO jobs ! I'm also currently getting PAID to do the same painting I was doing months ago as an unpaid intern at the InsanityIlluminationFoundation in East Hampton. I'm still having issues with my boss lady, but it's easier to handle now that you know, I'm getting paid.

She's a real crack, right? Listen, after she dropped off the images for me to work on last Thursday she told me she was going to be at a silent retreat all weekend, "but" she said, "if you have any questions, just text me!"

Right? Where do I find these people? Plus side though, since she made it totally clear that she needs me working for her, since she just can't work her own miniatures like I can, I get to throw down little slices of attitude whenever she pisses me off the rim. I love power. Like, yesterday, I confronted her for something big and important she'd forgotten, and as she was apologizing for the twentieth time about how forgetful she is and how she just can't keep track I said straight up, girl "self analysis without self-improvement is just vanity." Jeah, Chew on that up your butt!!!

Coming out of my winter cave hasn't been easy though. Two months in bed watching netflix and spitting into tissues hasn't exactly improved my socializing skills. I can't tell if what I think is funny sounds funny, or if it just sounds psychotic. Also vice versa, if you know what I mean. I like to think that is a common problem though, so maybe, (even worse) the issue is that MAYBE I STILL CAN SOCIALIZE JUST FINE AND I WHAT I'VE LOST IS MY OFFENSIVELY HIGH SELF CONFIDENCE!!!!

Yesterday, Sassoon-Mitchell came over and sculpted my hair into some mad sexy alien helmet thing and after we'd exhausted talking about the music which I'd put on, and all music like it, and then jimmy hendrix just for good measure, all I could think to talk about was the side effects of the bad plumbing in my apartment! Sheesh.

Wish me luck!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Unemployment Collection

So, while scoping S.Blanco's latest documentation of 'playa' status on facebook, the following advertisement caught my eye.

As 'Depressing' wasn't an option, I ended up just canceling the thumbs down.